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Creating An E-commerce Store Is A Great Online Business

Do you want to build an ecommerce store, but you're unsure where to begin? For some, the idea of creating and implementing a online store can be very frustrating, especially if you have no prior experience with creating websites. However, it doesn't have to be difficult if you do your research, and learn what's involved.

There are several things you'll want to plan out, and we've outlined them here:

1.) Do some research on the types of products you'd like to sell. A search on Google will help you figure out how many other sites are selling the same products you'd want to sell. If there are a ton of online stores already selling similar products, you may want to reconsider your choice. Note that the same could be said for not finding anyone selling similar products.

2.) Decide how you're going to go about shipping these products. If you decide to use a drop-ship company, make sure you learn which companies will provide the best service for your particular needs. If you have the ability to stock the items yourself, try and find the wholesalers who will give you the best pricing on those items. In the second scenario, you'll have to find a place to store the products- usually a local storage facility.

3.) Choose a domain name to register (example: www.yourdomain.com). Ideally, you want to choose one that isn't too long, but also easy for people to remember. Then find a domain name registrar to acquire it. GoDaddy is a popular registrar, and if you search online for promo codes, you can get a pretty good deal on your domain.

4.) Find a web hosting company and/or a professional web developer (if your resources allow). If you have no tech knowledge, another viable option is finding a company that offers hosted ecommerce sites, and includes a secure shopping cart.

5.) Upload or create your product catalog on your website. Be sure to create easily understood categories so it is easy for shoppers to navigate your site and find the products they're looking for. A well-organized site will lead to more sales.

6.) You'll need a way to process payments, and if your ecommerce hosting provider doesn't offer one, many of them will integrate with PayPal. It is very easy to use, and since it is widely known, many people feel safe submitting their payment information through the PayPal system.

7.) Now, you'll need to do some marketing. After all, what good is an awesome ecommerce website if no one goes to it? Your online store needs to be optimized for search engines, but that topic is too involved to discuess here. It is recommended you do some research into organic and paid search options. You may want to consult a search engine professional in regards to this. Social media is also a poweful marketing tool, as it brings word-of-mouth advertising to the digital age. Depending on your niche, be sure to at least set up a business page on Facebook, and other popular social media sites.

8.) Another great marketing tool is email marketing. Put an opt-in form on your site so that shoppers can subscribe to your list to receive special offers or new product notifications from you. Be sure to ask all of your customers if they'd like to be added to your list on the checkout page.

When creating your first online store, a little bit of research goes a long way!

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